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Pyrrhos has less planes than the usual campaign setting, with some being integrated into the landscape as “touched” areas instead of traditional planes.

  1. Elementally Touched Areas
  2. The Feywild
  3. The Shadowfell
  4. The Spirit Plane
  5. Celestia
  6. The Ethereal Plane
  7. The Material Plane

Elementally Touched Areas - In place of the elemental planes of fire, water, earth, and air, there are instead elementally touched areas of the same name that appear throughout the world in varying sizes that haven’t been recorded to move, disperse, or diminish over time. These areas tend to spawn elementals and be home to harsher environments than normal that only people like Genasi and others with special connections to the goddess Shaylarè can effectively traverse.

The Feywild - more similar to traditional planes, the Feywild is a more magically enhanced mirror plane to Pyrrhos, with the same type of geography and curious history that hasn’t yet been discovered. The “gates” to the Feywild are located in various forests throughout Pyrrhos in fey-touched areas. These areas tend to have magic that seeped into the material plane and leaves many valuable plants, beasts, and sometimes other more unexpected things, but the areas aren’t necessarily predictable or safe. While inside the fey-touched area, after a few hours of being inside, the gate tends to open randomly and suck people through, so the more time you spend in there, the more likely you are to get sucked into the Feywild by accident. Although, the same can be said on the other side as well.

The Shadowfell - Functions very similarly, if not in the exact same way as the Feywild, but with an opposite magical force. Shadow-touched areas are in different places from the fey-touched, and the magic and creatures that come through tend to be of a darker nature, but that seems to be the only difference between the two. Often home to drow, undead, and other spirits, the Shadowfell has been reported to have many tears from it to the Spirit Plane that are either unfixable, or have simply grown too large for the ascended God Nthanda to close.

The Spirit Plane - Pretty self-explanatory, honestly. Considered to be “above” the material planes, this is the plane where all kinds of spirits come from, ranging from the dream making Quori to the spirits of fallen mortals from the material plane. Despite its nature, for all intents and purposes, the plane is relatively easy to break through, which is why the God Nthanda was tasked with guarding the plane as part of his job as God of Spirits. Before his reign, there was much less organisation to the plane as well as more people who entered trying to “save” a loved one, or angry spirits escaping to wreak havoc. That has quelled much, but it is not impossible to get through Nthanda’s watchful gaze.

Celestia - The plane of the gods considered to be even above The Spirit Plane, in order to reach this plane, one would need to get to the Spirit Plane first. That is to say, if anyone would be stupid enough to try to get to Celestia in the first place. Not only is it much more difficult to shift into, but it is also heavily guarded by the first Ascended hero herself, Golmala, Goddess of protection and defence, a job which she takes very seriously, especially since her defeat at the hands of the demon Ankris at the end of the demon war before he was dispatched by the rest of the gods.

The Ethereal Plane - Basically the same as in other campaign settings, a mirror plane to The material plane, shadowfell, and Feywild that contains just a mist-bound empty space.

The Material Plane -

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