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The Wanderer’s Wares

This is a list of items created for use in both the Eberron campaign and Pyrrhos.

  1. Blasting Chime
  2. Behemoth Belt
  3. Tracker Mask
  4. Goodberry Wine
  5. Balor’s Power Eye
  6. Gun
  7. Bow of Piercing
  8. Teddy Bear of Encouragement
  9. Cat’s Paws
  10. Throwing Knife of Distance
  11. Ambrosia
  12. Frozen Flower
  13. Ring of Armor Conjuration
  14. Spartan Boots
  15. Steps of the Wind
  16. Amulet of Nimble Escape
  17. A Familiar Totem
  18. Time Freeze Pouch
  19. Skulker Bow
  20. Firestarter Gloves
  21. Ice Sculptor Gloves
  22. Handyman’s Hammer
  23. Narrating Storybook
  24. RPD
  25. Flame Dust
  26. Temperate Cloak
  27. Pen of Preparation
  28. Wand of Household Magic
  29. Shield of Repercussion
  30. Armor of Inversion
  31. Phalanx Shield
  32. Deft Bow
  33. Gravity Blade
  34. Gravekeeper’s Tools:
  35. Gravekeeper’s Spade
  36. Chain of the Gravekeeper
  37. Coat of the Gravekeeper
  38. Momentary Strength Bandanna
  39. Spatial Pocket Ring
  40. Discerning Eye
  41. Venusdonoa
  42. Evosferrum
  43. The Poisoner’s Pillbox
  44. Flamberge
  45. Malachite
  46. The Stake Pusher
  47. Cloak of Wandering
  48. Scholar’s Notebook
  49. Woodcutter’s Axe
  50. The Bowstaff
  51. Ring of Maneuverability
  52. Magical Grenade (Blank)
  53. Magical Grenade (Filled)
  54. Magic Eater’s Mask
  55. Protective Chain Collar
  56. Chromatic Anklet
  57. Ring of Very Minor Protection
  58. Band of the Brawler
  59. Manasteel Ingot
  60. Bounce Back Sash
  61. Musashi’s Blades
  62. Heedless Hammer
  63. Lull
  64. Mirror of Retaliation
  65. Grudge Orb
  66. Boots of Sure Footing
  67. Pass-Through Blade
  68. The Markless Stiletto
  69. Robes of The Paranoid Mage
  70. Abelheim’s Instant Equipment
  71. Commanding Crown
  72. Ring of Eloquence
  73. The Violin of Pacing
  74. Brand of Retribution
  75. Token of Versatility
  76. Contacts of Quick Reaction
  77. Rod of Seclusion
  78. The Sheikah Slate
  79. Spectacles of Spell Analyzation
  80. Meteorite
  81. Sword of Mercy
  82. Sword of Judgement
  83. Handkerchief of Cleanliness
  84. Ring of Skill: Distant Strike
  85. Void Link
  86. Giant Door Shield
  87. Tythalamos’ Helm
  88. Ring of Crisis
  89. Luck’s Shield

Blasting Chime (very rare):

This heavy hand bell is made of iron and lined with sigils. A creature holding the bell can use an action to point and strike the bell struck. When pointed and struck, it generates a 120 foot long, 5 feet wide, line of sonic energy, each creature within the area of effect must make a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw. A creature takes 6d6 points of thunder damage on a failed save, or half on a success. The Blasting Chime can be used up to three times per day.

Behemoth Belt (rare):

A creature wearing this belt can use a bonus action to gain the “enlarge” effect of the enlarge/reduce spell for 1 hour (no concentration required). A creature wearing the belt can use an action to end the effect of the spell. Once used, this feature cannot be used until the next dawn.

Tracker Mask (uncommon, requires attunement):

These masks were usually made from wood and bone when crafted by the druids of the Eldeen Reaches. In more recent years, similar masks have been created by House Cannith artificers out of metal. These masks provide their wearer with a greater sense of scent. While wearing this mask, you gain advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on scent. In addition to this, a creature wearing this mask can use a bonus action to enter a state of heightened senses, this lasts until 10 minutes have passed or until you choose to end it as an action. While in a state of heightened senses you gain the ability to tell where any creatures are located through scent, as long as they are within 20 feet of you.

Goodberry Wine (uncommon):

Goodberry wine is a drink crafted and popularized by the druids of the Eldeen Reaches and it takes the place of House Jorasco healing. Goodberry wine can be drunk three times before being exhausted. A creature can use an action to drink goodberry wine or administer it to an unconscious creature. A creature who drinks goodberry wine recovers 1d12 hit points.

Balor’s Power Eye (rare):

This earring grants its user the ability to assess the power of creatures nearby. As a bonus action you can magically assess the power of a creature within 60 feet of you. You instantly learn your choice of one of these:

Gun (uncommon, weapon):

The appearance of this magic item is a Colt 45 pistol except there's no way to load ammo. Instead, ammunition for the gun is magically produced. You can use the attack action to fire the gun instead of making a melee or ranged weapon attack. If your class has the multiattack feature, you may instead replace any or all of the weapon attacks with gun attacks. The attacks have a range of 60 / 120 feet, deal 1d12 fire damage, and you use your dexterity modifier for the damage bonus. You must have firearm proficiency in order to add your proficiency to the attack roll.

Bow of Piercing (rare):

When you roll a natural 20 to hit a creature with a ranged attack using this bow, you can additionally make another attack roll against another creature within 60 feet of the creature which was first hit. The arrow magically curves to hit the second target after striking the first target. A creature can be targeted only once by each use of this feature.

Teddy Bear of Encouragement (uncommon):

The teddy bear is a sentient magic item. The teddy bear has hearing and normal vision out to 60 feet. The teddy bear can understand all languages its holder does, but cannot speak them. The teddy bear can communicate simple emotions to its holder.

Cat’s Paws (uncommon):

Makes climbing things much easier due to claws on the tips of the gloves. While wearing these gloves, climbing doesn’t cost you extra movement, and you double your proficiency bonus on Strength (Athletics) and Dexterity (Acrobatics) checks made to climb. A creature who is already benefiting from an ability such as Expertise, which doubles your proficiency in either Strength (Athletics) or Dexterity (Acrobatics), cannot benefit from that feature of the gloves.

Throwing Knife of Distance (uncommon, dagger):

A throwing knife with a twist. Makes it easier to hit things from a distance but harder when you’re up close. Statistics: Disadvantage on ranged attacks within the weapon's normal range (20 ft) But you ignore the normal disadvantage on long ranged attacks and instead you can roll normally.

Ambrosia (very rare):

A magical liquid which is almost impossible to come by on the material plane of Eberron. Usually bottled in an extravagant crystal bottle with a ruby on the cork. The liquid itself is a brilliant red-orange color with a consistency similar to a strong wine. Upon drinking Ambrosia, you are bestowed with the effects of a Power Word Heal spell. Additionally a creature which consumes Ambrosia will have missing or lost limbs restored as if affected by a Regeneration spell. Ambrosia can be drunk thrice before the drink is all gone. Alternatively drinking the full bottle in one go will bestow a dead creature the effects of True Resurrection. If a living creature drinks the whole bottle, they gain Magic Surplus Syndrome for a week. The effects of Magic Surplus Syndrome when gained from this effect can be dispelled early by dispel magic cast using a 7th level spell slot. Constructs and Undead do not benefit from this item.

Frozen Flower (uncommon, any sword):

When a natural 20 is rolled the weapon deals an extra 2d8 cold damage and the creature it hits can’t take reactions until the start of their next turn. On a natural 1, the weapon instead deals the effects to its wielder.

Ring of Armor Conjuration (rare, requires attunement):

Upon speaking the set command word, the ring will vibrate and then magically conjure up a Breastplate on the wearer of the ring. While attuned to the ring, the wearer does not require proficiency in medium armor in order to gain the benefits of the armor. Speaking the command word again causes the armor to disappear.

Spartan Boots (rare, unique weapon):

While wearing these boots, you are infused with the might of a spartan. You gain the ability to make a special attack, you are proficient in this attack and it does 1d6 + your Strength modifier in bludgeoning damage on a hit, this damage is considered magical for the purposes of bypassing resistances and immunities. This damage is doubled if the target of the attack is an object or structure. Additionally, you can shout “This is SPARTA!” and kick down any nonmagical door no larger than 10 ft by 10 ft. Once used, this feature can’t be used until the next dawn.

Steps of the Wind (uncommon):

While wearing these shoes, you gain the ability to run through the air as if there were floating platforms where you step. You must run at least 10 feet before benefiting from this feature and you may not use this feature to go more than 10 feet higher than where you leapt from the ground. With these shoes, you cannot cross a distance further than your movement speed allows, and if you are still in the air using this item by the end of your turn you fall to the ground.

Amulet of Nimble Escape (uncommon):

This amulet was crafted by a skilled Gnome artisan. While wearing this amulet, you gain the ability to use your reaction when hit with an attack to immediately turn invisible and move up to half your movement speed, provoking no opportunity attacks. This invisibility lasts until the beginning of your next turn. You can use this feature a number of times equal to your Intelligence Modifier (minimum of 1), and regain all uses the next dawn.

A Familiar Totem (uncommon):

This item takes the shape of a handheld totem.

While holding the totem, you can use your action to expend 1 or more of the totem’s 6 charges to cast one of the following spells from it: Find Familiar (1 charge), or Flock of Familiars (2 charges).

While Flock of Familiars is cast from this totem it doesn’t require you to hold concentration, however you cannot cast it a second time, using the totem or otherwise, while the spell is already active.

Time Freeze Pouch (rare):

The Time Freeze Pouch is a small bag crafted from rare fabric only found in far off lands, imbued with time alteration magic and engraved with an array of many different magical runes. The bag can hold up to 1 square foot of non-magical, nonliving material. Items stowed in the bag have their time frozen. Once an item is pulled out of the bag, it's time resumes flowing normally.

Skulker Bow (uncommon, any bow):

The bow has 8 charges, and regains 1d8 charges at dawn. It’s wielder can expend one of the charges, no action required, to cause their next attack roll with the bow to not reveal their location whether it hits or misses. The wielder of this weapon cannot benefit from the effects of this feature if they are not hidden from the target of the attack.

Firestarter Gloves (uncommon, requires attunement):

A pair of tough leather gloves. While attuned to this magic item you learn the produce flame, and create bonfire cantrips, they are always prepared and don’t count against the number of cantrips you know. Your spellcasting ability for these spells is your choice of Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma.

Ice Sculptor Gloves (uncommon, requires attunement):

A pair of thick cloth gloves. While attuned to this magic item you learn the shape water cantrip, it is always prepared and doesn’t count against the number of cantrips you know. When casting shape water cantrip you gain the following benefits:

Handyman’s Hammer (uncommon):

While holding this hammer, you can use your action to cast the mending cantrip. You can use this feature a number of times equal to your Intelligence modifier multiplied by 2 (minimum of 2).

Narrating Storybook (uncommon, requires attunement):

While attuned to this book, you can use an action to activate it’s magic, it then records what you have experienced in the past 48 hours as if telling a story from a 3rd person point of view. When attunement to the book ends, the pages of the book become blank.

RPD (uncommon, unique weapon):

Load in a dagger, aim, pull the trigger and watch it fly. The Rocket Propelled Dagger, or RPD for short, is a magic firearm that launches any dagger you put in it. The RPD has a range of 40 / 80, and the loading property. It requires firearm proficiency in order to add your proficiency to the attack rolls. On a hit, it deals 3d4 + your dexterity modifier damage.

Flame Dust (common):

Flame dust can usually be bought in small glass vials, each vial filled with an orange-red powder. You can use an action to throw a vial of flame dust at a 5 foot cube within a range of 20 feet. Magical flames then burst to life, filling the cube and persisting for 1 minute. Any creature in the space must make a DC 12 Dexterity saving throw, taking 1d8 fire damage on a failure, or half on success. A creature must also make the saving throw when it moves into the fire’s space for the first time on a turn or ends its turn there. The fire ignites any flammable objects in its area that aren’t being worn or carried. Needless to say, the flame dust is consumed when the vial is shattered.

Temperate Cloak (uncommon):

When a creature wearing this is damaged by fire or cold damage, they can use their reaction to roll a d8 and reduce the damage taken by that amount.

Pen of Preparation (legendary, requires attunement by a wizard):

A creature must be attuned to this pen in order to access any of its benefits. A wizard attuned to the pen is able to use it as an arcane focus, and gains the following benefits:

Additionally, a wizard attuned to the pen can use an action to cast any one spell from the wizard spell list at 9th level using the pen. Once this feature has been used, it cannot be used until the next dawn.

Wand of Household Magic (common):

A magic item capable of allowing any who happen upon it the ability to perform simple magic useful in day to day life. When you finish a long rest you can mentally choose from the cantrips druidcraft or prestidigitation, the spell chosen is then set in the wand. While holding the wand, you can use an action to cast the set spell using the wand.

Shield of Repercussion (rare, any shield):

If a creature wearing this shield is hit with a melee attack by a creature they can see, they can use their reaction to magically divert some of the damage to the attacker. Roll 1d8, reduce the damage taken by that amount and deal the same amount, in the damage type of the triggering attack, to the attacker.

Armor of Inversion (rare, any armor, requires attunement):

If a creature wearing this armor is damaged, they can use their reaction to negate the damage and instead heal themselves by the damage rolled. Once this feature has been used, it cannot be used until the next dawn.

Phalanx Shield (rare, shield):

This shield provides its wielder a +1 to AC while they are using the shield. A creature holding this shield can use an action to plant it onto the ground and cast the spell wall of force through the shield. Once this property of the shield has been used, they cannot use it again in this way until the next dawn.

Deft Bow (uncommon, any bow):

This bow allows its wielder to fire arrows at astonishing speeds. A creature wielding this bow can use a bonus action to make one ranged weapon attack using this bow.

Gravity Blade (very rare, requires attunement, any longsword):

The normal weight of this sword is 5 lbs. A creature attuned to this sword gains a +2 to attack and damage rolls using this weapon.

Alter Gravity. While wielding this sword, you can use a bonus action to increase its weight tenfold. While Alter Gravity is active, the sword deals an extra 1d8 slashing damage when it hits. If a creature with a strength score lower than 20 attempts to use this weapon’s ability, they have disadvantage on attack rolls due to its immense weight, and a creature with a strength score lower than 16 simply cannot wield the weapon at all. Additionally while the ability is active, the sword must be wielded with two hands. As an action, a creature attuned to the sword can reduce its weight back to 5 lbs.

Siege Breaker. Whenever the sword hits an object, the hit is a critical hit.

Gravekeeper’s Tools:

The Gravekeeper Tools are a set of magic items which, while they can be useful alone, become more powerful with more of them equipped. When the full set is equipped each item has the magic item rating of very rare.

Momentary Strength Bandanna (uncommon):

A creature wearing this bandanna can use a bonus action to speak the command word. For the next 1 minute, the creature wearing it has their strength score increased to 18. This feature cannot reduce a creature’s strength below 18. Once this feature has been used, it cannot be used again until the next dawn.

Spatial Pocket Ring (rare, requires attunement):

While wearing this ring, you can use an action to cast the spell wristpocket through the ring.

Discerning Eye (uncommon, requires attunement):

This artificial eye replaces a real one that was lost or removed. While the discerning eye is embedded in your eye socket, it can’t be removed by anyone other than you, and you can see through the tiny orb as though it were a normal eye. While attuned to the discerning eye, you can use an action to inspect a nonmagical object no larger than 10 feet, you then gain the following knowledge of your choice about the object:

Venusdonoa (artifact, requires attunement, weapon: greatsword):

Legend has it that the sword was created by Kor, the god of Artifice and Creativity. The blade was supposedly created through layering threads of darkness from the shadowfell, forging and refining, and then being enhanced with magic to provide it with even greater power and near indestructibility. Kas then granted this weapon to the hobgoblin hero Ekkul as reward for performing heroic deeds in his name. Throughout history, the sword has been passed from person to person, each one being a person of legendary significance. The sword has been spoken of with many different titles, but the most prominent and well known are The Sword of the Founder and The Reality Shattering Sword. Rumors speak of its most recent wielder losing possession of the sword, though it is unknown exactly how or where it may be now.

Venusdonoa is a magic greatsword that grants a +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with it. It scores a critical hit on a roll of 19 or 20, and when you roll a critical fail for an attack roll using Venusdonoa, you can reroll the die and must use the new roll.

Random Properties. Venusdonoa has the following random properties:

Spells. While the sword is on your person, you can use your action to cast one of the following spells (save 18) from it: dispel magic (5th level version), mental prison, or disintegrate. Once you use the sword to cast a spell, you can’t cast that spell again from it until the next dusk.

Conflicting Magic. Attunement to both Venusdonoa and Evosferrum at the same time is not impossible, but causes a large amount of strain on the body. A creature attuned to both weapons must make a DC 23 constitution saving throw every hour that they remain attuned to them both or take 2d12 necrotic damage and have their maximum health reduced by the same amount as the damage taken, this damage cannot be reduced in any way. This hit point reduction can be restored to normal through the spell greater restoration. A creature attuned to Venusdonoa can end their attunement to the weapon as an action.

Destroying the Sword. In order to destroy Venusdonoa, a person must convince Kor himself to perform the deed. However, Kor may be reluctant to destroy such a creation and they may need to curry more favor with him in order to convince him. Alternatively, if Evosferrum is within 5 ft of Venusdonoa, the swords can be destroyed at the same time through the casting of a wish spell by a caster who can see them and is within 60 ft of the blades. When the blades are destroyed in this way, they explode in a blast of pure magical energy, all the magic in the two weapons fills a 30 foot radius centered on the blades. Every creature in the area must make a DC 19 Dexterity saving throw, taking 10d10 + 100 force damage on a failed save, or half as much on a success.

Evosferrum (artifact, requires attunement, weapon: shortsword)

The specific origins of this sword are unknown. Although it is theorized to have been crafted by Kor, it is only a speculation. According to master Dwarven smiths who’ve come across the blade, the material the blade is crafted from an array of pure magical material with characteristics that suggest origination in the feywild. Although at a glance the blade appears to be pure white, upon closer inspection its true beauty can be seen, the sword has almost every color imaginable barely visible upon the surface of its blade. The sword has had a history of being given as a wedding gift between Dwarven nobles due to its brilliant appearance. A couple titles the blade has been called in its history are The Blade of Vehemence and The Wedding Sword. The blade still remains in this cycle of circulation through these noble Dwarven families.

Evosferrum is a magic rapier that grants a +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with it. When it scores a critical hit on an attack roll, the weapon does an additional 3d6 force damage. Once per turn when you miss an attack roll with Evosferrum, you can roll a d20. On a roll of 16 or higher, the attack hits. On a roll of 15 or lower the attack misses.

Random Properties. Venusdonoa has the following random properties:

Spells. While the sword is on your person, you can use your action to cast one of the following spells (save 18) from it: counterspell (5th level version), tenser’s transformation, or antipathy/sympathy. Once you use the sword to cast a spell, you can’t cast that spell again from it until the next dusk.

Conflicting Magic. Attunement to both Venusdonoa and Evosferrum at the same time is not impossible, but causes a large amount of strain on the body. A creature attuned to both weapons must make a DC 23 constitution saving throw every hour that they remain attuned to them both or take 2d12 necrotic damage and have their maximum health reduced by the same amount as the damage taken, this damage cannot be reduced in any way. This hit point reduction can be restored to normal through the spell greater restoration. A creature attuned to Evosferrum can end their attunement to the weapon as an action.

Destroying the Sword. In order to destroy Evosferrum, a person must convince Kor himself to perform the deed. However, Kor may be reluctant to destroy such a creation and they may need to curry more favor with him in order to convince him. Alternatively, if Evosferrum is within 5 ft of Venusdonoa, the swords can be destroyed at the same time through the casting of a wish spell by a caster who can see them and is within 60 ft of the blades. When the blades are destroyed in this way, they explode in a blast of pure magical energy, all the magic in the two weapons fills a 30 foot radius centered on the blades. Every creature in the area must make a DC 19 Dexterity saving throw, taking 10d10 + 100 force damage on a failed save, or half as much on a success.

The Poisoner’s Pillbox (uncommon):

As a bonus action, a person holding the box can speak the command word and remove up to 2 pills filled with poison in the form of their choice of powder or liquid. The liquid pill works in the same way as a vial of basic poison. The powder pill can be popped open and applied to one serving of food as an action, one attempting to eat this food can make a DC 13 wisdom (perception) check to attempt to notice the poison. Once consumed, they must make a DC 11 Constitution saving throw or take 1d4 poison damage and be poisoned for the next 1 minute. The poisoned creature must repeat the saving throw at the end of each of their turns, taking 1d4 poison damage on a failed save or ending the effect on a success.

Flamberge (rare, any versatile or one handed sword):

You have a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this weapon. Additionally, when you roll a natural 20 on an attack roll using this weapon, flames burst out from the blade, producing the burning hands spell cast at 2nd level (DC 16) originating from you towards the target of the attack.

Malachite (uncommon, requires attunement, any simple or martial melee weapon):

This weapon is forged from a beautiful dark green metal resembling malachite, and giving it it’s name. This weapon is magical. As a bonus action you can speak the weapon’s command word and the blade glows ever so slightly. The first time you hit with an attack using the weapon within 1 minute of speaking its command word, the attack deals an extra 2d6 poison damage and the target of the attack must make a DC 12 Constitution saving throw or take an extra 1d6 poison damage and be poisoned for 1 minute.

The Stake Pusher (very rare, requires attunement, unique weapon):

This weapon takes the form of a 10 pound arm cannon with a large wooden spike resting in the bore. The use of the weapon is to propel the wooden spike towards enemies. Although these enemies are usually vampires, it remains an effective weapon against many enemies. The weapon is magical and you have a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls made using this weapon. The weapon has a normal range of 5 feet, and deals 1d8 piercing damage on a hit. You can fire the spike as a bonus action, this attack has a range of 30/60, and deals 1d8 piercing damage on a hit. Immediately after this attack, the spike previously launched disappears, and a new spike appears in the bore of the weapon. When you hit a vampire with this weapon, the vampire takes an extra 2d8 piercing damage. For the purpose of this weapon, “vampire” refers to any creature with the undead (shapechanger) type, including vampire spawn, and vampires.

Cloak of Wandering (uncommon, requires attunement):

While attuned to this cloak, you always know which way is north, always know which time it is, and have advantage on Intelligence (investigation) and Wisdom (perception) checks made to find villages, towns, and cities. You cannot benefit from these abilities if you are not on the material plane.

Scholar’s Notebook (rare, requires attunement by a spellcaster):

The notebook has 80 pages and the only writing that will stay on its pages is the writing that the item itself creates. While a spellcaster is attuned to this notebook, they know the spell identify and it is added to their class spell list. The notebook can be used in place of the material components for identify. Whenever you cast identify while holding the notebook, any information learned is written down inside the notebook in one language of your choice that you are fluent. Each use of this feature fills one page of the notebook, and each different magic item cannot be recorded in the notebook more than once. Additionally, when the number of pages filled reaches certain benchmarks, you gain a bonus to your spell save DC (20 pages: +1; 40 pages: +2; and 80 pages: +3).

Woodcutter’s Axe (uncommon; any greataxe, handaxe, or battleaxe):

This weapon does double damage when it hits an object made of wood. You get a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made using this weapon.

The Bowstaff (uncommon, unique weapon):

At first glance the weapon may appear to be either a longbow or a quarterstaff, but in reality it is both. As a bonus action, you can magically transform from the weapon from a longbow to a quarterstaff, or vice versa. The weapon has 3 charges and as a bonus action you can expend 1 charge to cast zephyr strike. The weapon regains all expended charges at dawn.

Ring of Maneuverability (uncommon):

While wearing this ring, all opportunity attacks made against you have disadvantage.

Magical Grenade (Blank) (uncommon):

Although anybody can use a magical grenade, only a spellcaster can imbue magic into a blank. Any creature can cast a spell of 1st through 3rd level into the grenade by touching it as the spell is cast. The spell imbued must have the ability to deal damage, an area of effect, and it must have a save DC to resist its effects. The spell has no effect, other than to be stored in the grenade.

As an action, a creature in possession of a filled magical grenade can activate it and throw it at a point up to 40 feet away. The magic stored in the magical grenade is then released, originating from the point it lands after 1d4 turns (not including the person who threw it) and the magical grenade is destroyed. The save DC for the spell effect is 15.

Magical Grenade (Filled) (uncommon):

A person unable to cast spells can always turn to purchasing a few magical grenades from their local artificer or magic item salesman, where they can usually select what spell filled grenade they would like. The spells stored in these magical grenades can be a minimum of 1st level, and a maximum of 3rd level. Additionally, the spell stored in the grenade must have the ability to deal damage, an area of effect, and it must have a save DC to resist its effects

As an action, a creature in possession of a filled magical grenade can activate it and throw it at a point up to 40 feet away. The magic stored in the magical grenade activates from the point it lands after 1d4 turns (not including the person who threw it) and the magical grenade is destroyed. The save DC for the spell effect is 15.

Magic Eater’s Mask (rare, symbiotic, requires attunement):

The surface of the mask is covered in broken shards and pieces of hard bone. Behind the bone is a thin layer of hardened charcoal that is warm to the touch. When you attune to the mask, the charcoal heats up and binds itself to your face. The mask does not impede any of your senses such as sight, hearing, or smell, nor does it prevent you from eating.

The mask has 2 charges, and you regain all expended charges at dusk. While attuned to the mask you know the spell dispel magic, and it is always prepared for you. The spellcasting ability for this spell is your choice of Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma. As a bonus action you can expend 1 charge and cast dispel magic through the mask. When you successfully end a spell with dispel magic, you regain 2d8 hit points. When you fail to end a spell using dispel magic you instead take 2d8 necrotic damage.

Symbiotic Nature. The mask can’t be removed to you while you’re attuned to it, and you can't voluntarily end your attunement to it. If you’re targeted by a spell that ends a curse, your attunement to the mask ends and it detaches from you.

Protective Chain Collar (uncommon):

The collar can only be worn by any large or smaller beast, and it magically changes its size to fit its wearer. A creature wearing the chain gains a +1 to AC.

Chromatic Anklet (rare, requires attunement by a beast):

Whenever a creature attuned to the anklet deals damage with their natural weapons, they deal an extra 1d4 damage. The damage type of the extra damage changes daily. Every dawn, roll a d4, the damage type for that day becomes poison on a roll of 1, lightning on a 2, cold on a 3, or fire on a 4.

Ring of Very Minor Protection (common, requires attunement):

While attuned to this ring, you reduce all nonmagical slashing, bludgeoning, and piercing damage by 1.

Band of the Brawler (rarity varies, requires attunement):

This bracelet comes in multiple variations, with increasing rarity and power. However, you can be attuned to only one Band of the Brawler at a time. While attuned to this bracelet, you gain a bonus to attack and damage rolls made with unarmed strikes depending on the rarity, this bonus is +1 for uncommon, +2 for rare, and +3 for very rare.

Manasteel Ingot (very rare, magic metal, requires attunement):

Manasteel is rarely found in markets due to its unique production methods and high price, however this difficulty in acquiring it pays heed to its abilities. Manasteel has similar properties to nonmagical steel, however it is much lighter and more resilient. Manasteel in its ingot form weighs 5 pounds.

While attuned to a manasteel ingot, you can use an action to touch it and cause it to magically mold into an object of your choosing no larger than 5 feet on any side. The ingot will magically expand or shrink into the shape you choose, with its weight changing as well. The weight of a manasteel created object can weigh no more than 300 pounds.

While using manasteel created weapons you gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls, and manasteel created armor grants you a +1 bonus to AC.

You can use a bonus action to touch the manasteel ingot and revert it to it’s ingot form.

Bounce Back Sash (uncommon):

When you are at zero hit points and are stabilized, you can immediately expend 1 of your hit die and restore health equal to the number rolled.

Musashi’s Blades (rare, longsword + shortsword, requires attunement):

The two blades consist of a longsword and a shortsword. Musashi’s Blades only function as a pair, and thus will not provide any benefit unless both blades are being dual wielded. For the purposes of dual wielding, the longsword has the light property. Attuning to the two weapons only takes one attunement slot. While attuned to Musashi’s Blades, your attacks become more powerful the more strikes you land. Whenever you land a strike with one of the blades, you gain a +1 bonus to damage rolls made using the swords. The damage bonus granted using this feature can stack, but you lose all of it when you miss an attack.

Heedless Hammer (uncommon, warhammer, requires attunement by a barbarian):

While attuned to this weapon, you gain the ability to throw caution to the wind in exchange for an increase in strength. Whenever you rage while wielding this warhammer, your Strength score increases by 3 (to a maximum of 23), but you take a -2 penalty to all Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma saving throws.

Lull (uncommon, dagger, requires attunement):

While attuned to this weapon you gain the ability to silence your enemies literally and figuratively. When you hit a creature or object with the dagger, no sound is created. Additionally, you can cast pass without trace from the dagger. Once you have used this feature, it cannot be used again in this way until the next dawn.

Mirror of Retaliation (rare, requires attunement):

This mirror has 4 charges. As a reaction to being hit by an attack you can see, you can expend a charge and attempt to mirror the attack towards the attacker. The attack must have an attack roll in order for you to mirror it. Make an Intelligence (arcana) check equal to 5 + the damage taken. On a success, you mirror the attack back towards the attacker with the same attack roll, as a spectral form of the same attack made against you appears in an attempt to hit the attacker. If this attack hits, it deals the same amount of damage that was dealt towards you. Additionally, if you succeed the check by 10 or more, you instead take no damage from the attack, though the damage of the mirrored attack remains as it would have been. The mirror regains all expended charges at dawn.

Grudge Orb (rare, cursed, requires attunement):

While attuned to the orb, it functions as an arcane focus. Additionally, you learn the spell bestow curse, and it is always prepared for you. Whenever you cast bestow curse using the orb as a focus, it counts as being cast at 1 level higher than the spell slot you expended, to a maximum of 7th level.

Curse. While attuned to this orb you gain the following flaw: “I have long lasting grudges, and form them easily”. Additionally, you refuse to leave the orb more than 5 feet from your person at any time. Casting remove curse on the orb ends its owner's attunement to it, and the curse ends on them.

Boots of Sure Footing (rare):

A creature must have a minimum Strength score of 15 to wear these boots. While wearing these heavy metal boots you have immunity to being knocked prone. The boots have 2 charges, as an action you can expend 1 charge to stomp the ground and cast earth tremor through the boots at a point you can see within range. The boots regain all expended charges at dawn.

Pass-Through Blade (very rare, halberd, requires attunement):

While attuned to this weapon, you gain the ability to allow the halberd to pass through objects in the way between you and an enemy. The halberd magically phases through any object or creature it comes into contact with, other than you. As a bonus action you can mark a creature you can see within 60 feet of you. For the next minute, the halberd becomes physical for them. When you make an attack against the marked creature, the halberd will pass through any object or creature between you and them and allow for you to strike them unhampered by your surroundings. When they are within reach of the halberd, you know their location and can sense them through obstacles. You can only have 1 creature marked by this ability at a time. Additionally, you gain a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls made using this weapon.

The Markless Stiletto (rare):

A weapon originally created by a blacksmith associated with an underground assassin group. These daggers have been circulated through the more adept of assassins, and are praised for their unique ability to leave no marks when used for killing. You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made using this dagger. Additionally, all attacks made with the dagger deal necrotic damage instead of piercing, as they directly rend the souls of their victims rather than flesh.

Robes of The Paranoid Mage (uncommon):

While wearing these robes, you are always prepared for combat. Whenever you roll initiative, you can instantly cast the spells mage armor and false life.

Abelheim’s Instant Equipment (uncommon, consumable):

This item takes the shape of a small wooden box. As an action, you can destroy the box and create nonmagical weapons and armor numbering no more than 8, and with a price less than 50 gold pieces.

Commanding Crown (uncommon, requires attunement by a spellcaster):

While not attuned to anybody, the crown takes the form of a simple steel band. Once attuned to a person the crown will take a form of their desire. While attuned to this crown, you can use an action to expend 1 of its 7 charges to cast command from it using your spell save DC. A creature subjected to this casting of command does not need to speak your language to understand the meaning of the word, but if they have an Intelligence score of 4 or lower, the spell has no effect on them. The crown regains 1d6+1 expended charges at dawn. If you expend the last charge, roll a d20. On a 1, the crown becomes a nonmagical steel band.

Ring of Eloquence (rare, requires attunement):

The ring has 10 charges and regains 1d8+2 charges at dawn. While attuned to the ring you can expend 1 or more charges to use one of the following abilities.

Eloquence. You can use a bonus action to expend one charge and give yourself advantage on the next Charisma (persuasion) or (performance) roll you make within the next minute. You can use this ability a number of times equal to twice your Charisma modifier (minimum of 2).

Empathy. You can use an action to focus on a creature you can see within 30 feet of you and expend 1 charge to sense their current surface emotions. Examples of emotions you can sense with this ability may include: happiness, sadness, anger, fear, jealousy, disgust, or anticipation.

Read Person. You can use a bonus action to expend 2 charges and give yourself a +10 to the next Wisdom (insight) check you make within the next minute.

The Violin of Pacing (uncommon, requires attunement by a bard):

One of a kind, the violin of pacing was crafted in an attempt to mimic the instruments of the bards using a less commonly used instrument. However due to it simply being a mimicry of the real thing, it does not have as much power as the instruments of the bards do. You can use an action to play the instrument and cast one of the spells. Once the instrument has been used this way, it can’t be used to cast that spell again until the next dawn. The spells use your spellcasting ability and spell save DC. When you use the instrument to cast a spell that causes targets to become charmed on a failed save, you can cause the targets to have disadvantage on the saving throw. You can use this ability a number of times equal to your Charisma modifier (minimum of 1). This effect applies whether you are using the instrument as the source of the spell or as a spellcasting focus.

The violin of pacing is able to use only part of the power that an instrument of the bards can, and as such can’t use all the normal spells that one can. At the end of a long rest, you can select two of the following spells to be able to use from the violin of pacing that day: (fly, invisibility, levitate, and protection from evil and good). The violin of pacing can be used to cast the two spells you selected in addition to the spells misty step and longstrider.

Brand of Retribution (rare):

Brand of retribution is the name for both the tool for doing so and for the mark created by it. The tool is a cattle brand bearing runic symbols snaking the handle to the brand. As an action, you can speak the command word to heat up the brand and brand one restrained humanoid creature with the mark of a criminal. Once this feature is used, it cannot be used again until the next dawn. A creature cannot bear more than one brand of retribution at a time, and a brand of retribution can only be removed through the spell greater restoration or remove curse cast with a spell slot of 5th level or higher. One bearing this brand gets penalized based off of crimes they have committed. The most common crimes and corresponding punishments are:

Thievery. For the crime of thievery, stealing something which belongs to another, the bearer will have their ability to do so impaired. Whenever the bearer attempts to steal something, they must make an Intelligence saving throw or take 1d6 psychic damage and have their movement speed reduced by 15 feet for 1 minute.

Fraud. For the crime of fraud, wrongful or criminal deception intended to result in financial or personal gain, the bearer will have their ability to do so impaired. Whenever the bearer attempts to make a Charisma (deception) check, they must make a Charisma saving throw or take 2d4 psychic damage and lose the ability to speak for 1 minute.

Murder. For the crime of murder, the unlawful premeditated killing of a humanoid, the bearer will have their ability to do so impaired. The bearer’s strength score is reduced by 3, and they must make a Wisdom saving throw whenever they kill a creature or take 3d6 psychic damage and be frightened for 1 minute, originating from the corpse of the creature.

Different crimes other than the ones above may be put into effect, at the game master’s discretion, but must have punishment corresponding to the intensity of the crime.

Token of Versatility (rare, consumable, can only be used by somebody capable of casting a spell of 1st level or higher):

As an action you can expend a spell slot of 1st level or higher into the token. You can then select 1 spell from any spellcasting class’s spell list. This spell cannot be of 7th level or higher, and it cannot be a spell which restores hit points. For the next 10 minutes you have the spell prepared and it is added to your class spell list for the duration. Your spellcasting ability for this spell is the same as your spellcasting class. The token is destroyed after use.

Contacts of Quick Reaction (very rare, requires attunement):

The contacts of quick reaction can be worn under helmets, glasses, or goggles, and while attuned, can be worn at all times (including sleeping) without causing any discomfort or damage to your eyes. The contacts make your eyes appear to be simply the color amber from a glace, but upon closer inspection many small magical equations can be seen written in close proximity to each other in gold. While attuned to the contacts, you gain an additional reaction and you gain advantage on Dexterity saving throws. Additionally, when you succeed on a Dexterity saving throw to take half damage, you take no damage instead, and only half damage on a failed save.

Rod of Seclusion (legendary):

While holding this rod, you can use an action to activate it. The rod then instantly transports you to a unique demiplane. Time inside of this demiplane moves at a rate much faster than the outside world. While inside of the demiplane, time moves 10 times faster. So spending 10 hours inside of the demiplane would result in only 1 hour passing in the material plane. Inside of this demiplane there is a small bed, toilet, and enough food and water to sustain an individual for as long as they wish to stay there. You can stay in the demiplane for up to 30 days (3 days on the material plane) before being forced out. Alternatively, you can use an action to activate the rod and instantly exit the demiplane. Once you have exited the demiplane, it cannot be re-entered until 7 days on the material plane have passed.

The Sheikah Slate (artifact, requires attunement):

A mysterious tablet with a glowing center. You’ve never seen this device before, and yet… there's something familiar about it. The slate can function as many different tools and will grant it’s wielder many new powers and abilities. Sheikah Slate features:

Sheikah Scope & Map. One of the Sheikah Slate’s key features. The map can be used to map the surrounding area through a ritual in which you spend 1 minute in uninterrupted concentration to gain a map of the surrounding 1 miles, which is then saved on the Sheikah Slate to be viewed at any time. The Sheikah Scope can be used to zoom in on objects and other such things afar and mark the location with pins which will then show up on the map. The maximum zoom factor the scope can use is 4x.

Camera & Sheikah Sensor. As an action, the Sheikah Slate can be used to instant render a visible image into a picture. Pictures created through the camera are then saved into the album, which can store up to 48 different photos at a time. Pictures saved in the album can be deleted at will. When you take a close up photo of an object or creature, it can then be saved into the Hyrule Compendium, where it can be accessed at any time and does not take any storage in the album. Pictures stored in the Hyrule Compendium, when viewed, provide a brief description on the object or creature. The Sheikah Slate can be used to cast the locate object and locate creature spells at will targeting objects or creatures saved in the Hyrule Compendium.

Adventure Log. The Sheikah Slate can be used to write notes and such and organize them into a section of the slate called the Adventure Log. You can have up to 100 pages of notes, but magic cannot reside in the notes as you do not write on the slate with inks or special materials, rather you write the notes using the Sheikah Slate itself.

Remote Bomb. Using the remote bomb rune, you can use a bonus action to summon a remote detonatable bomb in your hands. You can choose whether the bomb comes in the shape of a sphere or a cube, the cube is 10 inches on each side and the sphere has a 10 inch diameter. The bomb can then be thrown as an action to a location within 30 feet of you. A spherical bomb will roll an additional 10 feet before stopping on a flat surface, or will roll downhill if the surface it lands on is tilted. A cubular bomb will land at the point it is thrown and will not roll any further, however this does not mean it will stick to walls or any surface with a great vertical angle. As another action you can detonate the bomb, where it will then trigger an explosion with a 10 foot radius. Any creature in the area must make a DC 20 Dexterity saving throw. A target takes 8d6 fire damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. The force of the blast will damage both creatures and objects, but will not light flammable objects on fire.

Magnesis. The magnesis rune can be used to grab onto metallic objects using the magnetic energy that pours forth from the rune. As an action, you can cast the telekinesis spell targeting an object that is at least 70 percent metal. Telekinesis cast this way cannot be used to target a creature, but otherwise the spell functions as normal.

Stasis. As an action, the stasis rune can be used to stop the flow of time for a creature or object that is large or smaller within 60 feet of you. However, stopped objects store kinetic energy and the stored energy will act upon the object when the flow of time resumes. A creature subjected to the effect must make a DC 20 Constitution saving throw or be paralyzed until the end of its next turn. An object subjected to the effect has it’s time frozen for 12 seconds (2 rounds), or until you dismiss the stasis as a bonus action. You can strike an object in stasis to build up kinetic energy on it before the stasis ends. The direction an object will be moved is determined by direction of the last strike made against it. The distance an object will be moved is determined by how much force the object is subjected to while in stasis and the weight of the object.

Cryonis. As an action, you can use the cryonis rune to create a pillar of ice from a water surface of at least 5 feet wide. The pillar rises from the water with enough force to lift or move things, but not enough to cause damage. The created pillar has a square shaped base and is 5 feet wide and 7 feet tall and can be used as cover using the normal rules. The pillar has 25 hit points and as such can be destroyed through weapons and spells, once destroyed the pillar will shatter and the broken pieces will instantly melt back into water.

Spectacles of Spell Analyzation (rare, requires attunement):

While attuned to these glasses, you can read spells as easily as you can a book. As an action you can cast detect magic or identify through the glasses. Alternatively, as a reaction to seeing somebody within 60 feet of you cast a spell, you can analyze the spell, telling you the name of the spell and what level it was cast at.

Meteorite (uncommon, morningstar, requires attunement):

A stone was discovered by an explorer trekking through a jungle and when she touched the stone it glowed red hot, burning her fingers. She wrapped it up with heat resistant materials and sold it to a blacksmith who crafted the strange stone into the head of a morningstar. While attuned to this weapon, you can speak the command word as a bonus action, causing the weapon to begin to heat up. On your next turn the weapon deals an extra 1d4 fire damage. On each of your following turns, the weapon continues to heat up dealing an additional d4 fire damage. This damage will stack, to a maximum of 4d4. Whenever you deal damage with the weapon you take half as much fire damage as you fire damage you deal.

Sword of Mercy (uncommon, longsword):

When you kill a creature with this sword they do not feel pain, but instead they are awash with a calm, understanding feeling. If you make an attack roll using the sword against a creature who is both unresisting and ready to face death by your blade, you can choose to automatically hit and end their life with one clean slice. Additionally you gain a +1 to attack and damage rolls made using this weapon.

Sword of Judgement (uncommon, rapier):

When you damage a creature of evil alignment with this sword, they don’t take additional damage or suffer any adverse effects but feel twice as much pain. You can choose to cause your attacks to feel twice as painful to a creature of neutral alignment, but cannot do so with creatures of good alignment. Additionally you gain a +1 to attack and damage rolls made using this weapon.

Handkerchief of Cleanliness (common):

As an action, you can instantly clean an object no larger than 5ft. While the handkerchief is on your person, it instantaneously cleans your body and clothing once every hour.

Ring of Skill: Distant Strike (uncommon, requires attunement):

While attuned to this ring, you learn how to utilize a new magical skill. When you take the attack action with a melee weapon you may choose to make this attack at range by releasing a blast of magic from your weapon, you can use this effect on any or all attacks you make. The damage this attack deals is the normal damage of the weapon divided by two (adding all modifiers beforehand), the attack roll is the same as if you were to make a normal attack with the weapon. The range of the attack is 6 times the range of the melee weapon you make the attack with, i.e. the range of this attack with a longsword would be 30 ft, and the range of the attack using a halberd would be 60 ft.

Void Link (legendary, requires attunement):

The Void Link is a heavy steel collar, which when clasped around the neck of a humanoid will lock into place and not come off unless remove curse or greater restoration is cast on the bearer or the collar itself. One can only attune to the Void Link once they have a sufficient desire for more power. Once attuned to the Void Link, the collar’s lock strengthens and won’t come off unless the bearer wills it and nothing short of a wish spell or death will cause the collar to lose it’s lock and come off without it’s bearer’s permission. Whenever you take a short rest you regain twice as many hit points from any hit die you roll, and when you take a long rest you gain a number of temporary hit points equal to your total character level. As a bonus action, you can enter a state of calm rage, as endless and deep as the sea, that lasts until you choose to end it as an action. While in this state, your Strength score is raised to 27 and your Dexterity score is raised to 25 but all attacks that hit you in this state are critical hits. Whenever you make death saving throws while attuned, you make them with disadvantage. However if you succeed on three death saving throws, instead of being stabilized, you instantly recover a number of hit points equal to twice your total character level. If you end up dying, you must roll a d100. On a roll of 51 or higher you suffer no adverse effects, on a roll of 50 or lower your soul is trapped inside of the collar and can only be freed with the casting of a wish spell or having an ally use their action while touching the collar to sacrifice their health and take 25 damage to their current and max hp in exchange.

Giant Door Shield (very rare):

The Giant Door Shield appears as the paired two halves of a thick wooden double door reinforced with metal and 5 feet tall. Due to both it’s heft and size, it cannot be wielded by a creature of small or lower size. The Giant Door Shield functions as both armor and a melee weapon at the same time. As a shield, the Giant Door Shield provides a +2 AC on top of the normal shield bonus when the two halves are wielded with both hands. As a melee weapon, the Giant Door Shield has a +1 to attack and damage rolls and deals 2d4 bludgeoning damage on hit.

Charge. If you move at least 20 ft in a straight line towards a target and then hit it with an attack using the shield, the target takes an additional 2d4 bludgeoning damage. If the target is a creature, it must succeed on a strength saving throw against a DC equal to 10 + your Strength modifier or be knocked prone.

Lockout. As an action on your turn, you can transition into a stalwart defense holding your shields together. This defense lasts until you choose to end it as a bonus action. While in Lockout, you gain resistance to all damage except fire, your movement speed is halved, and the number of attacks you can make with the attack action is also halved (minimum of 1).

Tythalamos’ Helm (rare, requires attunement by a barbarian):

This helmet, once worn by a warrior whose story was lost to time, provides its wearer with the endurance to survive against any odds. While wearing this helmet you gain a +1 to AC, however this helmet does count as armor for the purposes of preventing you from gaining the benefits of raging. This helmet has 5 charges and recovers 1d4+1 charges daily at dawn. Whenever you rage you can immediately expend up to 3 charges and roll a number of hit dice equal to the number of charges spent, you gain a number of temporary hit points equal to the number rolled (minimum of 1).

Ring of Crisis (very rare, requires attunement):

This ring is a solid metal band with an engraving resembling a vein wrapped around it, sometimes you swear you could feel it pulsating. If there is ever a greater number of enemies than allies within 30 feet of you, you gain a +1 to your Strength or Dexterity scores (your choice) for each enemy above the number of allies. For example if there were 3 allies and 6 enemies within 30 feet of you, you would gain a +3 to your Strength or Dexterity scores. You can split up these points between Strength and Dexterity, or put them all into one of the ability scores.

Luck’s Shield (uncommon):

A shield emblazoned with an image of a four leaf clover, this shield’s defensive capabilities rely entirely on luck. While holding this shield, all AC provided by armor or Dexterity is null and your AC is equal to 10. As a reaction to an enemy rolling an attack roll against you, you can roll a d10 and add this number to your AC until the start of your next turn. On a roll of 10 you have resistance to all damage including the damage from the triggering attack until the start of your next turn. However on a roll of 1, all damage you take until the start of your next turn is doubled.

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