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Demons are mostly evil beings of great power, not generally known to work together. Known to have enough power to the point where age does not affect them. They have power that ranges from barely killable by mortals to being able to rival the gods, and could technically “overthrow” the gods. Can be killed, but not forever. Demons are rare and usually plot their deeds in secret, with cultist-esc minions following them. Most are known to be okay with their positions as demons, very few have planned to overthrow the gods, and even less have actually attempted such. After being killed, they come back after a certain amount of time, and it seems that the weaker the demon, the faster they are revived.

Common demon traits: Truesight, (depending on age) proficiency in more languages than normal, A kind of “barrier” that blocks them from holy and celestial powers (such as gods smiting them or appearing before them), vulnerability to radiant damage and resistance to necrotic.

  1. Ankris the Conqueror
  2. Minos the Disgraced
  3. Yorqiroth the Black Glutton
  4. Ralmong the Demented Razer
  5. Animos the Twins of Hatred
  6. Tyfónas the Elder Tempest
  7. Agni the Were-chimera
  8. Colimune the Mindless Consumer
  9. Ar’or the Puppeteer
  10. Vito the Profiteer
  11. Lorelei the Faceless Queen

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