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The World of Pyrrhos - A Brief Introduction

Welcome to Pyrrhos! Pyrrhos is a greco-inspired campaign setting suffused with the cultures of many different mediterranean countries, as well as splashes of colonialism, fantastical steampunk, and a rich history of the tales of heroes and gods. In Pyrrhos, you may find yourself battling pirates on the high seas, having a god ask for a favor, or questioning the morality of goblinoid slavery.

A Beautiful, New World

Pyrrhos is a world that takes inspiration from the cultures of the Mediterranean Sea, such as the Greeks, Romans, Italians, and Persians! Many archipelagos exist throughout Pyrrhos, home to some truly fantastical destinations, such as the Flame-Touched Calderas of Ngana, in the Isles of Constros. Every part of Pyrrhos is beautiful, majestic, and mysterious in its own ways.

From the shores of Galima, where Loxodon philosophers ponder the state of their being, to the thick jungles of Piskus, where lizardfolk ponder how they want to kill their employers, Pyrrhos has a lot to offer! The world is new, only 10,000 years old, formed in a manner in which even the gods themselves cannot explain, so many regions have been left unexplored and untamed. Check the geography and politics tabs for a quick primer on the continents, countries, and regions of Pyrrhos!

Colonial Powers and Technological Development!

Not all of Pyrrhos has been explored, but already some empires have taken to colonizing it, enslaving indigenous people and exploiting their resources using mercantilist techniques. From the continent of Erebos, the center of humanoid ‘civilisation’ and the birthplace of many common races (ie: Dwarves, Elves, Halflings, Humans), great empires have discovered the continents of Orestes, Piskus, and Kestren. These empires have already established multiple colonies on these new continents. Take, for example, the halflings of Kishori, who discovered the Chrysseos Archipelago, and enslaved the goblin natives who lived there.

Now, Orestes has broken free of Erebos’ grasp, and few colonies remain there, but multiple colonies are still in operation on the continents of Piskus and Kestren. At least in the areas that have been explored! Many islands remain unexplored still, and some empires have been funding expeditions to find more land to conquer. Slavery has been introduced into the world of Pyrrhos, and is legal in many countries, so don’t be surprised if you see goblins or bugbears on the run from their owners. Check the races tab for an overview of most of the races in Pyrrhos!

A World of Gods, Heroes, and Legends

The gods of Pyrrhos do exist, and most people in the world have accepted them (spare the atheist Lizardfolk), though how the gods should be interpreted is up for debate. Are they good? Are they bad? The Dwarves of Galima have mulled over this for a long time, and the answer is uncertain. What is certain is that these gods interact with the world of Pyrrhos freely, often enlisting the help of mortal heroes to accomplish deeds. As an adventurer, you may be called upon by the gods often. If you win their favor, they may bestow gifts upon you, and you may even become ‘ascended,’ a state of being equivalent to becoming a minor god. The land of Pyrrhos is filled with tales of these heroic adventurers who serve the gods, and fight back evil. Many bards also sing the deeds of the gods themselves, and the stories of creation of the Triton, Genasi, Kalashtar, and many more!

There are gods, and there are those who wish to become gods. Since there is no pure way to gain the power equivalent to a god, these individuals warp themselves, turning into unearthly, hellish beasts. In short, Archdevils and powerful Demons were once humanoids, but their pursuit of power turned them into beings of pure evil. The followers of these fiends often become lesser demons, should they gain their master’s approval.

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