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A Geographical Overview of Pyrrhos

The continents of Pyrrhos are exotic and exciting. Let’s take a look!

  1. Erebos
  2. Orestes
  3. Piskus
  4. Kestren
  5. Nardone
  6. Isles of Constros
  7. The Cloud
  1. Erebos - For the most ‘developed’ and ‘civilised’ continent on Pyrrhos, look no further than Erebos! This land is home to some of the most powerful nations on Pyrrhos, such as the militaristic state of Bulus, the colonial superpower of Kishori, or the technologically advanced nation of Calatios. Erebos is home to sweeping forests, massive Arabian-esque deserts, and dangerous mountain ranges in which dragons dig tunnels that seem to go on endlessly. The common humanoid races all primarily inhabit this continent, and many wars and rebellions, some involving gods and demons, have taken place on Erebos…

  2. Orestes - A continent filled with nations less than a couple of centuries old, Orestes is a dynamic place. Less explored than Erebos, Orestes was the first continent that humanoid explorers from Erebos discovered, and started their obsession with colonization. Many races, such as Goblins, Bugbears, and Gnomes are native to Orestes, and saw the Ereban explorers set foot on their native continent. Now, 90% of Goblins and 25% of Bugbears are in chains, and can be found wherever their masters can be found. The gnomes, however, were crafty, and managed to escape bondage too easily for slavery of their race to be worth it. Today, a significant percentage of the former colonies belonging to Ereban countries have gained sovereignty over their lands. Still, some lands still belong to rulers overseas, while other regions lie unclaimed, or defended fiercely by primitive aboriginal tribes…

  3. Piskus - A land filled with dense jungles, alien natives, and the ruins of civilisations, Piskus is an interesting land. Discovered after Orestes, many colonies have been established here. Native species include Lizardfolk, Firbolgs, and Tortles. Other than that, not much is known about this continent unless you’re a native, or a coloniser (ie: if your character should know more about Piskus, we’ll tell you more).

  4. Kestren - Only discovered 50 years ago, Kestren is a small, rocky continent filled entirely by mountain ranges. Native species include Orcs, Half-Orcs, Kobolds, Giants, Goliaths, Aarakocra, and Kenku. Only one colony has been established here, and little is known about the interior of this continent (if your character should know more, we’ll tell you more), though a few immigrants from the mountains now reside in Erebos. These immigrants tell tales of a bloody, unending war, and massive tunnel systems dug deep into the mountains. Additionally, conveniently separated by a larger line of mountains, a piece of western Kestren is submerged in The Cloud, similarly to The Tip in Orestes, although there are significantly less people who venture out to this part of the cloud, due to a much larger number of disappearances.

  5. Nardone - A northern island home to harsh tundras, shifters and minotaurs claim this land as their own. Both are fierce hunters, but seeked more challenging game…

  6. Isles of Constros - A small tropical island chain between Orestes and Erebos, those that have retained their sovereignty on the Isles have formed a loose coalition. Known for its ethereal beauty, the Isles are largely peaceful, though tensions have arisen from the one island that is still a colony (New Kishori). The current ‘big island,’ Ngana, is home to two massive volcanoes, and is a ‘Flame Touched’ area. Many genasi live on the Isles wherever elementally touched areas are near, and Tabaxi are the natives of this Island chain.

  7. The Cloud - Probably the most mysterious, and the most well known landmark in all of Pyrrhos, it is a massive storm cloud around an area of the sea where very dangerous things are said to lurk. The cloud has been mapped out to be around the size of a continent, and has a small piece of both Orestes (called “the tip”) and Kestren inside of it. Hardly anyone ever goes inside The Cloud, save for pirates looking to hide some gold in the tip, as it is said that many that go in, do not come out. Additionally, it is said that the farther in you go, the more dangerous The Cloud is.

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