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Since this world is partially inspired by Greece and how the gods of Greece interact with people, religion is very deeply rooted in the culture, and even people like clerics and paladins would tend to pray to multiple gods for their different tasks. Additionally, rather than having “good” gods and “evil” gods, the gods have domains that tend towards a looser neutral interpretation.

Almost all people in Pyrrhos pray to the Gods even in everyday things, although most cultures will have one or two patron gods that the culture prizes above the rest.

While many of the different races are the product of Gods tampering with mortals, The gods do not have any technical “children” that they have birthed, although there are Gods who are in relationships with other Gods.

  1. The Major Gods
  2. The Minor Gods
  3. Sorcerous Houses

Here is a list of Gods, both major and minor (subject to change):

The Major Gods

The Minor Gods

Sorcerous Houses

The magic-wielding Sorcerous Houses represent and honor their patron gods from the mortal realm much like other types of religious organizations. Independent of the laws and regulations of any country, the houses give the world of Pyrrhos many of its sorcerers, and a few select other magic users. These houses were founded independently throughout history, from a champion of its patron god, and today, the leadership of each of these houses is comprised entirely of the descendants of these founding champions. Additionally, despite being called “sorcerous houses”, the full organization isn’t strictly sorcerers, although the leadership always is. The functions of these houses vary from having many outposts throughout the lands to having a few where members come and go frequently on quests for their patron god.

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